New situations constantly arise with a new baby. The deep love we have for our children is often challenged by the new stresses that accompany their arrival.
The goal of yoga is to bring together mind body spirit. With a short daily practice,
yoga can help us be present with our Selves, and our Babies.
Benefits Mama:
~Bond with Baby
~Quality time with Baby
~Get out of house
~Work on posture
~Increase strength with a little exercise
~Meet other mothers for support group
~Gain Baby handling confidence
Benefits Baby:
~Bond with Mama
~Aids Development
~Helps Digestion/Gas
~Stimulates all Body Systems
~Deeper Sleep
~Socialize with other babies
~Improved interaction
What to Bring:
~Yoga Mat
~Your Infant of 6 weeks & up
~Comfortable, ease of movement clothing for Mama & Baby
~Baby's Favorite Toy
~And anything else you may need for comfort (Crescent Shaped Breast Feeding Pillow, Baby Blanket...)
What to Expect:
During a one hour session, we will guide you to give your baby a dry massage over comfortable clothes. Baby will receive easy, yoga-like stretches and range of motion exercises. Song or humming may be added which aids in the baby's language development.
There will be lifts and handling of baby while mommy is in standing, seated or lying down yoga poses. At some points of the class we shall allow baby to relax while the parent moves through core postures to nurture the Self. Towards the end of our class the adults and children will have time to socialize and build friendships.
Be aware that there may be interruptions: Mama and Baby yoga allows the parent to listen to their child and from that listening, stop at any time during the class to take care of their child's needs. This is a casual space which allows and welcomes breastfeeding, co-napping and all activities which strengthen the attachment between parent and child.